Saturday rambling...

There's no point really to this post except I'm waiting for my coffee to really kick in so I can get moving.

There are some areas I really succeeded this week in getting some organization done and some I'm still struggling. I got all my soap stuff lame is that? I did get Esther's room done and some of the old clothes out of her closet and drawers, yet there's still a basket of clean clothes sitting by her closet for me to put away. I despise laundry...just saying.

Ok so I didn't get all done this week I wanted to but it was a fun week. I had a lot of time with Esther to just play with her (I guess I must have gotten some of my "chores" done to have free time). I'm very grateful when I feel like God's pushed life aside so I can just sit with my daughter and have fun. I also got some soap made and I went and tried on wedding dresses with my oldest friend. So I've had some really nice down time.

There has been some stress this week. I have to speak in public for the first time tomorrow. I'm not a public speaker so I've been very anxious but my husband has been making me practice every night. It's helped me to feel more relaxed and I just keep a prayer of peace in my mind.

As I sit here thinking of a million things I want to type (yes the chaos is in my head too, not just my life) my husbands music is playing in the background, calming me, soothing me. He writes such beautiful music. There are times the beauty of it just brings tears to my eyes. I hope he puts together another album of just his instrumentals. It seems to wash away all the garbage swirling in my head when I hear it.

Then again, my husband tends to bring great peace to me when we're together anyway.


  1. Remember that EVERYONE at church WANTS you to succeed and is rooting for you. NO ONE sits there hoping that the speaker will fail. You have nothing to fear or be nervous about.

    Everyone loves you, and supports you, and that's all they have in their hearts. Don't be afraid, just speak what's in your mind--let God speak through you to touch the hearts of different members of the congregation.

    Let us know how fantastic you do! :)


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