move day approaching and other random thoughts

I love May. It's a rebirth of the world around us. How fitting for us to begin a new chapter of our lives by buying our first house together, in May.  I see nature shaking off the effects of winter and I feel like I'm doing the same. Our new home isn't perfect. We're going to be putting a lot of work into it but that's the part that's so exciting for me.  My hubby and I will be working side by side to create the home we want.

I know I should be finishing packing since we're getting the truck tonight (packing it and taking it to the new house tomorrow after closing) but I can't help just sitting for a moment and reflecting on the past 10 months. We moved here in July with no intensions of moving again for a long time. God had other plans for us. It's ok, it's not part of my plan but He knows what's best for our family. It's been a blessed 10 months. We've made new friends, got to know one of our Pastors and his family, who lives near-by, better.  I will miss the people of the "hill". My heart aches at the thought of leaving those I have come to love. However, I'm very excited to be heading out on a new adventure with my best friend at my side. Randy and I have missed having projects to work on together since we started renting three years ago. Well...God heard our cry and is giving us plenty of projects to work on :) 

Speaking of projects, one of our first ones will be building a home for the new addition to our family...chickens. I've wanted them for years but with renting we just couldn't do it. Now that we'll own, we have new babies coming to live with us! So this spring I'll be concentrating on integrating them into our lives. I love that we'll know where our food is coming from and what's been feed to it.  Who knows what could be next our our little homestead!! 

By the end of the week I hope to have some semblance of order back into our chaotic life or at least have the chaos organized!  Besides I'm going through soap withdrawal....I need to make batch of soap. 

I have a few verses that encourage me in different places of my life but this one is our marriage verse and it's very fitting for us on many levels: 

Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes.
~ 1 samuel 12:16



  1. I totally enjoyed hearing the story Randy shared with us Thursday night at worship rehearsal -- the one about all the ways God is blessing your obedience. Your obedience grows all of our faith stronger!

  2. Thanks Tamara. It's really hard sometimes to be obedient but we both know life is easier if we are.


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