thoughts for today


Outside my's partly sunny and a bit warm!

I am thinking...about all I need to accomplish this week

I am thankful...that our house has the space to hold all that will be here this Thanksgiving

I am few places as possible this week

I am wondering...why God forgives the ugliness within me

I am reading...Silas Marner

I am the Promise of eternity with our Father

I am looking forward lessons tomorrow

I am struggling with...self control over my time usage 

I am learning...a better way to interact with my daughter

In the kitchen...making a pumpkin pie today to taste test a new crust I'm trying

Around the house...trying to finish and organize putting our books on my new bookshelves 

In the classroom...we are putting all of our efforts into getting Tink to read independently 

I am pondering...disabling facebook over thanksgiving week.

One of my favorite things...quiet time alone

A peek into my life....

Loving the birds out our window. These little guys will right out of our hands. 


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