letting that breath out

I've had a few times in my life, very few thank God, where I felt an intense fear. Not for myself but for someone I deeply love. We just went through one of those periods. My husband and his son sat in a dr's office and was told he may be facing the "C" word. Who would have thought one word could rock the earth you're standing on just as effectively as if you just had a 8.5 earthquake shake you. Not one of our kids. It's a reality you can't prepare for.

We contacted our ministry teams to request prayers and for the last 3 days we've felt that blanket of prayers protecting us, lifting us up, giving us strength. After many tests, lots of prayer and frankly some pretty deep fear we've found out the initial diagnosis was wrong. We can't be upset about this because we are overwhelmed with praise to our God that he's ok.

Finally our family can let that collective breath out and rest in today....


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