DIY project

I've been DIY-ing everything lately. Holy cow, when the creative block broke, it's just been flooding all over the house!  I'll have pictures of some of the other stuff in my round-up this weekend. Today I'm going to tackle a camera bag of sorts.

I spent about 5 minutes on the internet the other day looking for a cute affordable, functional bag. Do you know none of those go together when it comes to a camera bag?? The pretty red bag over at Shootsac is what finally made me realize that there was no way I was spending that kind of money on a bag. I could get a new lens for that price.  I have bags that sort of look like this and like the purse ones I was finding. I started Googling (is this an actually term? I use it to describe anything I'm looking for. Even when it comes to searching in a book. "I googled that term in the dictionary." Oh yeah, sorry....) SO anyway, I started Googling camera bag inserts. I found three different ones I liked and will begin making my own today with aspects from each of them I liked and then my own twist on it!

Wish me luck! Pictures to follow...


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